Celebrated Launch Event of NewTech Academy, powered by Wawiwa, in Romania

NewTech Academy, powered by Wawiwa, in Romania held its launch event on May 27th, 2021. 

NewTech Academy is the most advanced tech education hub in Romania. NewTech Academy will become a center of excellence in technology education, with state-of-the-art training programs such as Full-Stack Developer, Frontend Developer, UX/UI Designer, Cybersecurity, and Data Analyst. The center’s mission is to train job-ready professionals for tech jobs in high-demand.

The online launch event included lectures by NewTech Academy’s founders and management, as well as representatives from the center’s local Advisory Committee, local academy, and Wawiwa Tech Training, NewTech’s global education partner.

Over 30 journalists attended the event, and the Romanian press celebrated the launch of the new tech training cetner with dozens of articles.

NewTech Launch Event (Recording)

Coverage on the Romanian Press

If you’re fluent in Romania, you will enjoy the many articles that were published in the press following the launch event, also in leading online publications such as Forbes, Adevarul, Ziarul Financiar, and Observator TV. (If you don’t speak Romanian, you can still enjoy these articles with Google Translate 😉

Forbes: În 5 ani vor fi create 145 de milioane de noi locuri de muncă în sectorul IT la nivel global
Observator TV: NewTech Academy, un hub de training in domeniul IT, pregateste cursanti pentru 3 joburi foarte solicitate de angajatori
Adevarul: NewTech Academy, centru de formare in domeniul tech, se lanseaza in Romania
Ziarul Financiar: Shay Hafzadi, CEO New Tech Academy: Incepem cursurile la finalul lunii iulie si estimam un numar de 100 120 de cursanti in 2021. Pornim cu trei cursuri ce vor avea preturi intre 2.500 si 4.000 de euro
ZF Corporate: Shay Hafzadi, CEO New Tech Academy: Incepem cursurile la finalul lunii iulie si estimam un numar de 100 120 de cursanti in 2021. Pornim cu trei cursuri ce vor avea preturi intre 2.500 si 4.000 de euro
bursa.ro: NewTech Academy aduce în România metodologii performante de formare în domeniul tehnologiei informaţionale
Profit: Centrul NewTech Academy, lansat in Romania
Observator: NewTech Academy, un hub de training in domeniul IT, pregateste cursanti pentru 3 joburi foarte solicitate de angajatori
Biz: NewTech Academy s-a deschis in Romania in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel
Bucuresti FM: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare…
Dc Business: NewTech Academy vine in sprijinul cererii de specialisti in IT. Ce cursuri organizeaza si cat costa
mobilissimo.ro: Centrul NewTech Academy se lansează în România și aduce cele mai performante metodologii de formare în domeniul tech
Rador: Calendarul evenimentelor, 27 mai selectiuni
Start Up: Cursuri de programare: NewTech Academy te ajuta sa devii programator
Club IT&C: NewTech Academy: metodologii performante de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel
Criteriul Financiar: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech,…
IT Channel: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel
Comisarul de Prahova: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel Bucuresti, 27 mai 2021: Intr-o lume digitalizata, in care pandemia ne-a aratat ma
Constanta Mea: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel Bucuresti, 27 mai 2021: Intr-o lume digitalizata, in care pandemia ne-a
Astazi: Shay Hafzadi, CEO New Tech Academy: Incepem cursurile la finalul lunii iulie si estimam un numar de 100 – 120 de cursanti in 2021. Pornim cu trei cursuri ce vor avea preturi intre 2.500 si 4.000 de euro – stiri.astazi.ro
Aradul de Azi: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel Bucuresti, 27 mai 2021: Intr-o lume digitalizata, in care pandemia ne-a aratat mai mu
Pe Scurt: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania metodologii performante de formare in domeniul tehnologiei informationale
Romania News: NewTech Academy, centru de formare in domeniul tech, se lanseaza in Romania
Us24: NewTech Academy, un hub de training in domeniul IT, pregateste cursanti pentru 3 joburi foarte solicitate de angajatori
Monitorul Apararii: Centrul NewTech Academy, lansat in Romania
Monitorul Apararii: NewTechAcademy, centru de formare in domeniul tech, se lanseaza in Romania
Monitorul Apararii: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel
Revista – Presei Com: Shay Hafzadi, CEO New Tech Academy: Incepem cursurile la finalul lunii iulie si estimam un numar de 100 – 120 de cursanti in 2021. Pornim cu trei cursuri ce vor avea preturi intre 2.500 si 4.000 de euro
N Media: NewTech Academy, centru de formare in domeniul tech, se lanseaza in Romania
florinadamache.com: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel
withlovefromangela.com: NewTech Academy aduce in Romania cele mai performante metodologii de formare in domeniul tech, in parteneriat cu Wawiwa Tech Training din Israel

Partner with Wawiwa to offer tech training programs in less than 6 months!

Wawiwa bridges the tech skills gap by reskilling people for tech professions in high demand. There are millions of tech vacancies and not enough tech professionals with the relevant knowledge and skills to fill them. What the industry needs of employees is not taught in long academic degrees. Wawiwa helps partners around the world to reskill, and upskill people for tech jobs through local tech training centers or programs. The company utilizes a proven training methodology, cutting-edge content, digital platforms for learning and assessment, and strong industry relations, to deliver training programs that result in higher employability and graduate satisfaction. This, in turn, also creates a strong training brand and a sustainable business for Wawiwa’s partners.
center, education, partnership, reskilling, romania, skills, tech, technology, training

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