How International Students Can Land Top Tech Jobs

The tech industry is buzzing, offering countless opportunities. It’s a golden ticket to exciting and well-paid jobs — there’s room for everyone in tech. In fact, there’s plenty of room, with a global tech skills shortage estimated to reach 85.2 million unfilled jobs by 2030. With the right skills, international students can access a world of possibilities in areas like Software Development, Data Analysis, Cybersecurity, DevOps, and more. This blog discusses the top tech jobs available, the skills required to succeed, and tips on how to land your dream job in the tech industry as an international student.

From Struggles to Opportunities: A Pathway to a Better Life through Technology

For many people living in developing countries, the dream of a better life often feels out of reach. Struggling with limited financial prospects and a lack of job opportunities can make it challenging to envision a stable future, let alone one that allows them to make a living, support their families, and even save some money for old age. But the desire to break free from these constraints is strong, fueled by the hope of a brighter future abroad. 

Most immigrants migrate simply to work, but many fortunate ones move to pursue an academic degree or vocational training, either in addition to work or to advance their profession.

The good news is that many countries actively encourage the immigration of international students, offering pathways that can lead to permanent residency and employment. Countries like Canada and Portugal have established supportive policies that make it easier for students from developing nations to study and eventually work there. 

Canada, for example, is one of the most welcoming countries for international students, providing post-graduation work permits that allow students to gain valuable work experience. In 2022, it hosted over 500,000 international students, representing about 1 in 13 international students worldwide. Portugal, with its welcoming attitude and lower cost of living compared to other Western countries, also provides numerous opportunities for international students to stay and work after their studies. In 2022/23, international students in Portugal made up 16.5% of the total student body in Portugal.

Studying abroad opens doors to quality education and serves as a gateway to better job opportunities and a more secure future. By pursuing education in a supportive country, international students can gain access to knowledge, resources, networks, and experiences that would be difficult to obtain back home. 

Technology jobs, in the tech industry or at traditional industries, are of course the icing on the cake. For example, entry-level Data Analysts earn an average annual salary of $89,700 USD, compared to the overall average annual salary in the job market, which is $46,000 USD. Careers in Software Development, Data Analysis, Cybersecurity, and DevOps are particularly sought after, offering high salaries and long-term growth. This journey can transform the lives of international students, and the lives of their families, providing them with the means to rise above their current circumstances and achieve the financial stability they seek, and even more than that.

How Tech Jobs Can Return the Investment of Studying Abroad

While the prospect of studying abroad is enticing, the reality of high costs can be a significant hurdle. Tuition fees, travel expenses, and the high cost of living in a different country can make this dream seem impossible for many. 

However, there is a way that addresses these challenges and sets students on a path to success: working in tech. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, IT professionals have a median salary of $104,420, which is substantially higher than the average salary for all occupations, at $48,060. Tech jobs offer some of the highest salaries in every country and also provide growth opportunities. Studying tech can make academic relocation financially feasible and beneficial.

The beauty of the tech industry is that it’s accessible to everyone, regardless of their background. Whether you choose to pursue a traditional academic degree in computer science or enroll in a reskilling tech training program, tech offers multiple pathways to entry. 

For those looking to quickly gain in-demand skills, reskilling tech training programs are an excellent option. These programs are often shorter, more affordable, and focused on practical skills that are needed in the job market. With dedication and the right training, anyone can learn to code software, analyze data, or protect organizations through cybersecurity, making it possible to get a tech job that earns a competitive salary and start a successful tech career. 

By pursuing a career in tech, international students can cover the costs of their education and living expenses and achieve long-term success. High salaries enable them to repay their student loans, save for the future, and support their families back home. For those seeking a better life, tech jobs are a stepping stone to financial independence, personal fulfillment, and the ability to make a lasting impact on their loved ones’ lives.

How to Land Your Dream Job in Tech as an International Student

Landing your dream job in tech as an international student starts with a commitment to learning. Employers love to see candidates who are proactive about their learning, have good reasons for choosing a course of study, and take the risky step of enrolling without yet knowing what to expect. Moving abroad to study is an even bigger commitment and investment, which can show that you’re adaptable and ready to tackle whatever comes next.

Networking is another key ingredient to job search success. Don’t underestimate the power of connecting with people in your desired role and industry. Attend local tech meetups, join online communities, and actively engage on platforms like LinkedIn. Reach out to your education institution’s alumni, participate in subject matter discussions, and don’t be afraid to ask for advice about the local job market. Sometimes, it’s an acquaintance that gets you in the door for an interview, and a friendly chat one day can turn into a job referral the day after.

Make an effort to learn about the local culture, including the language, work etiquette, and even some local tech trends. This demonstrates a willingness to adapt and integrate, and makes you a stronger candidate. Employers appreciate someone who has taken the time to understand their country and company—it shows initiative and commitment. Plus, picking up the local language, even just the basics, can go a long way in making connections and understanding the local community. 

With a great resume that includes solid education or training, a strong network, and the willingness to embrace the local culture, you’ll be well-equipped to land your dream job and start your tech career on the right foot.

Wawiwa’s Tech Reskilling Programs

Wawiwa is a global tech education provider offering reskilling and upskilling programs to various tech jobs. 

Wawiwa reskills people with no prior background to tech professions in high demand, such as Full-Stack Developers, Cybersecurity Analysts, and Data Analysts.

One of Wawiwa’s notable partners is Greystone College in Canada, which has integrated Wawiwa’s tech programs into its diploma programs. This collaboration provides the college’s international student body with the opportunity to gain practical, hands-on skills that are directly aligned with Canadian industry needs. Andrew Goulding, Sales Director at Greystone College, shared, “By partnering with Wawiwa, we’re creating job-ready individuals in the tech industry, welcoming international students with no prior experience. Building on Wawiwa’s expertise allows us to create exciting career and immigration opportunities for our students, both in Canada and globally. Our hands-on programs are designed to equip them with the practical skills needed to thrive in the competitive tech landscape.”

In Portugal, TechOf has partnered with Wawiwa to establish a new tech training center in Lisbon and deliver cutting-edge tech reskilling programs. Through these offerings, TechOf offers students the chance to acquire valuable skills in a growing industry.

Wawiwa is empowering educational institutions to offer tech programs that meet the needs of both the job market and students, ensuring a brighter future for all graduates, both local and international.

Partner with Wawiwa to offer tech training programs in less than 6 months!

Wawiwa bridges the tech skills gap by reskilling people for tech professions in high demand. There are millions of tech vacancies and not enough tech professionals with the relevant knowledge and skills to fill them. What the industry needs of employees is not taught in long academic degrees. Wawiwa helps partners around the world to reskill, and upskill people for tech jobs through local tech training centers or programs. The company utilizes a proven training methodology, cutting-edge content, digital platforms for learning and assessment, and strong industry relations, to deliver training programs that result in higher employability and graduate satisfaction. This, in turn, also creates a strong training brand and a sustainable business for Wawiwa’s partners.
international students, tech jobs, technology

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