Rising Above the Competition: How to Get A Job In Tech

Unemployment is rising and more candidates are competing for available jobs, making employability key. Employers are looking for employees who can hit the ground running and create value on the job with as little training as possible.

Job readiness is therefore more important than ever in today’s business environment.

So what does it take to be job-ready in tech? 

First things first:

What is the tech industry?

The tech industry, also known as the technology industry, refers to a variety of businesses and organizations that create, produce, and/or sell products or services related to technology. This includes everything from companies that make software and hardware to companies that make phone calls and run businesses online.

New products and services are constantly being developed and introduced to the market in the tech industry, which is known for its rapid innovation and disruption. Software development, hardware manufacturing, data analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and many other areas are important parts of the tech industry. With a big effect on businesses and society as a whole, the tech industry is one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic parts of the global economy.

From how we communicate and access information to how we shop, travel, and even receive healthcare, the tech industry has changed how we live and work in countless ways. Because of this, the industry has become a major contributor to global economic growth, job creation, and innovation.

What is a tech job?

A tech job is any that involves working with technology, such as computers, software, or electronic devices. These jobs can be found in a wide range of fields, such as healthcare, finance, education, and entertainment, among others.

Software engineers, web developers, data analysts, IT technicians, and network administrators are a few examples of tech jobs. Some tech jobs require advanced degrees in computer science or engineering, while others may only require a high school diploma or vocational tech training.

Tech jobs can also be found in a wide range of workplaces, such as big companies, small startups, government agencies, and nonprofits. Tech jobs are in high demand, and that demand is growing. This makes tech a good field for people who want to start or advance their careers.

How do you get a job in tech?

Getting a tech job requires both hard and soft skills. While soft skills are the interpersonal and communication skills required to work well with others, hard skills refer to the technical knowledge and abilities required to complete specific tasks. Here are some tips on how to develop both types of skills and increase your chances of getting a tech job:

  1. Earn a degree or certification in a relevant field: Many tech jobs require specific education or certifications, so earning a degree or certification in a relevant field can help you stand out to employers. Online tech courses, vocational tech training programs, and tech bootcamps can be a great path towards securing a tech career.
  2. Create a strong online presence: Having a personal website or online portfolio that shows off your skills and projects can help employers find you and learn more about you.
  3. Go to tech events and network: Attending industry events and networking with professionals in the tech industry can help you learn about job opportunities and make valuable connections.
  4. Get an internship or apprenticeship: Internships and apprenticeships can give you valuable hands-on tech experience in the tech industry and could lead to a full-time job offer. When it comes to hiring for tech positions, employers care about one thing more than anything — a candidate’s ability to get the job done. They want to see real work examples that showcase a candidate’s tech skills and capabilities.
  5. Take part in hackathons or coding challenges: Taking part in hackathons or coding challenges can show off your technical skills and may result in job offers.
  6. Work on open-source projects: Contributing to open-source projects can show potential employers your technical skills and ability to work with others.
  7. Look for entry-level tech jobs or junior positions. Many tech companies have entry-level or junior positions that can help you get started and give you room to grow.
  8. Develop your soft skills. A report by McKinsey says it best: “Social, emotional, and technological skills are becoming more crucial as intelligent machines take over more physical, repetitive, and basic cognitive tasks. You need good communication skills to explain technical information to people who aren’t experts, as well as problem-solving abilities, and the ability to leverage teamwork. Soft skills are becoming increasingly important for success, and many companies are already look for them during the interview process.

What are the benefits of working in the tech industry?

There are many advantages to working in the technology sector. The possibility of high salaries and career growth opportunities is one of the main benefits. Tech companies are willing to pay competitive salaries to attract and keep top talent because the demand for tech talent is always rising. Also, the tech industry is known for offering flexible work options, such as working from home and making your own hours.

Another benefit is the chance to work on cutting-edge projects and use the newest technologies. For those who are interested in new ideas and like to keep up with the latest trends, this can be a rewarding experience. The tech industry also has a wide range of jobs, from software engineering and data analysis to product management and UX design. This gives people a chance to try out different career paths and find the one that fits their skills and interests the best.

Lastly, people who work in the technology industry can make a real difference in the world by making products and services that can really have an impact in the world. The technology industry has the potential to improve people’s lives, whether it’s by making software to improve healthcare or coming up with new ways to make the world a better place.

What are some myths that stop people from working in tech?

People often think that the only way to get a tech job is to have a degree in computer science or to have experience coding. But the truth is that there are many types of tech jobs that don’t require a degree in computer science or coding experience. These jobs include project management, user experience design, and technical writing. And for the ones that require tech experience, there are many paths that involve upskilling and reskilling, for example, that make a tech career accessible to anyone.

Another common misconception is that tech companies only hire young people. While it’s true that many tech startups are started by young people, the industry also values experience and diversity in its workforce.

Some people may also think that working in tech means long hours and a bad work-life balance, but many tech companies care about their employees’ well-being and offer flexible schedules and remote work options.

Lastly, there is a myth that the tech industry is too competitive and cutthroat, but in reality, collaboration and teamwork are highly valued in tech companies.

How can Reskilling and Upskilling help getting a job in tech?

As technology changes and the industry grows, companies are looking for people with the most up-to-date skills and knowledge. You can learn new skills and get ready for a new position in the tech industry by reskilling. Upskilling, on the other hand, lets you improve the skills you already have and keep up with new technologies. Both can help you stand out on the job market and increase your chances of getting hired by demonstrating your commitment to learning and staying current in your field. Employers might also be more likely to hire people who have shown through reskilling and upskilling programs that they can learn and change.

When looking for the right tech training program, tech reskillers should make sure that the programs they pursue include actual coding work in the latest tech stack and final projects that allow them to demonstrate to hiring managers real code and tech skills as proof of their capabilities. They should look for training programs that focus on teamwork and develop, in addition to technical skills, the soft skills needed to work well with other people – peers and managers.

Find the right tech training program today

The fact of the matter is that few training programs produce job-ready graduates. Wawiwa Tech Training is one such tech training program provider. Wawiwa cares the most about graduates’ job readiness and employability. It therefore dedicates 70% of the training program to actual hands-on practice of the taught materials and skills – performed both independently and in small groups.

Student projects are reviewed by trainers and industry mentors and feedback is provided – on both knowledge and skills – so that students can learn, improve, and grow.

Wawiwa works with its local partners to establish a local advisory board of leading tech companies who influence the programs’ curriculum so that students are taught the exact knowledge and skills that would be useful for them to get hired upon graduation. Programs are 6-to-9 months long, ensuring  in-depth studies and the practice on the one hand, and the relevance of the taught lessons on the other. This result: very high employment rates among Wawiwa-programs graduates.

Partner with Wawiwa to offer tech training programs in less than 6 months!

Wawiwa bridges the tech skills gap by reskilling people for tech professions in high demand. There are millions of tech vacancies and not enough tech professionals with the relevant knowledge and skills to fill them. What the industry needs of employees is not taught in long academic degrees. Wawiwa helps partners around the world to reskill, and upskill people for tech jobs through local tech training centers or programs. The company utilizes a proven training methodology, cutting-edge content, digital platforms for learning and assessment, and strong industry relations, to deliver training programs that result in higher employability and graduate satisfaction. This, in turn, also creates a strong training brand and a sustainable business for Wawiwa’s partners.

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