2021 was a Great Year for Israeli Tech
Viola Group, a leading Israeli VC, compiled a report showing Israel’s tech ecosystem successes in 2021. We break down the highlights and add some thoughts here!
Viola Group, a leading Israeli VC, compiled a report showing Israel’s tech ecosystem successes in 2021. We break down the highlights and add some thoughts here!
Many working professionals are looking for the best options to reskill to the rewarding tech industry. What are the best ways to become a job-ready tech professional? The data point to part-time, afternoon classes!
On January 18th, 2022, Wawiwa Tech Training virtually signed a partnership agreement with the Re:Act Reskilling and Upskilling Academy in Portugal! Re:Act will soon offer tech training programs, powered by Wawiwa, that will train students to reskill and upskill to Full-Stack Developers and Frontend Developers.
Technology has transformed and disrupted every single industry! Connectivity, innovation, and automation are affecting traditional, non-tech markets, such as education, finance, and agriculture. And it’s not stopping anytime soon. Do you have the tech skills needed?
Closing the tech skills gap and shortage requires increasing tech reskilling and upskilling opportunities. Tech giants are initiating some incredible initiatives to address these issues and supply tech talent to markets around the world. Read below to find out more!
The Cyber-Tech Institute of Australia powered by Wawiwa (CTIA) is launching programs to train, upskill, and reskill people to work in highly sought-after technology roles.
The technology industry is home to a wide array of positions. When Managers, Designers, Developers, and other tech specialists come together with a unified purpose, the digital products they release are truly incredible!
E-commerce is a huge business and constantly growing. As opposed to brick and mortar retail, e-commerce is the result of the work of many tech professionals! How do they create the online shopping experience and make it easy and addicting? Find out in our new blog!
Behind every incredible digital product is a CEO-like leader, manager, and evangelist wrapped into one position. Product Managers are the internal engines that push any tech company forward!
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