Wawiwa's Blog

Everything about Tech Reskilling and Bridging the Global Skills Gap

Skills that Data Analysts Need
Tech Jobs

Essential Skills that Data Analysts Need in 2024

What are the top data analysis skills in 2024? What’s the importance of Excel, SQL, Python, and Power BI, in the AI era? Read our blog to find out and get some tips for reskilling and upskilling in data analytics, making sure your insights drive real-world impact.

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How Scaffolding Shapes Lifelong Learners in Tech

Scaffolding in learning is a powerful strategy that mirrors the support structures seen in construction, offering temporary guidance to help learners reach higher levels. Much like its construction counterpart, once the learning scaffolding is removed, what remains is a structure — your skills, knowledge, and the ability to learn independently — standing strong and ready to tackle future challenges. Read our latest blog to fully grasp the concept of scaffolding in learning and discover how to find the right scaffolding for your educational journey.

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Eran Startup

Lessons from Experience: How To Make Your Startup a Success

Wawiwa’s Founder & CEO, Eran Lasser, gave an insightful lecture about how to make your startup a success. Thinking of launching a startup? Read this blog to get an overview of the startup ecosystem, learn the key startup buzzwords, challenges and opportunities in the startup world, and practical tips for starting out.

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Best OPM Vendors

Top Online Program Management (OPM) Vendors for Tech Education

OPM providers enable universities to offer online programs without the prohibitive costs and complexities of developing and running these programs independently. Choosing the right OPM vendor can expand your training offering, making it accessible and engaging for learners worldwide. Read our blog and find out the top OPM vendors and choose the best one for your institution.

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Learning and Upskilling Goals for 2024

Learning is the broad umbrella under which we acquire new knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Upskilling is about leveling up your existing skills or acquiring new ones to stay relevant and thrive in your career. Read our blog to understand why learning and upskilling are vital for professional growth. Find out effective strategies for professional development, including how to choose the topics for your personal upskilling, setting achievable goals for continuous learning in 2024.

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Exploring Online Program Management (OPM): Live, On-Demand, and Mixed Learning Models

Explore the three distinct flavors of OPM delivery: Live lessons for real-time synchronous learning, On-Demand recorded videos for flexible self-paced learning, and Mixed for a balanced approach. Choose the right model for your institution’s goals, learning outcomes, and student preferences, making your online education more valuable. At Wawiwa, we believe that Live and Mixed OPM models are more effective for tech training. Read our new blog now!

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What is Online Program Management (OPM) and Its Impact on Universities

Online Program Management (OPM) involves universities partnering with specialized companies to develop, manage, and deliver educational programs online. It’s much more than just digital delivery! OPM is expanding geographical reach, offering up-to-date new programs, and enhancing educational experiences. Read our blog to understand how OPM benefits universities around the world!

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Upskill your Workforce or Hire New Talent?

Upskilling is enhancing the skills of your existing workforce to align with the evolving demands of their roles or your business. From boosting employee morale to cutting costs, the benefits are clear. But here’s the dilemma: when should you upskill, and when is it better to bring in fresh talent? Our blog discusses both upskilling and hiring new talent, offering insights and guidance for a strategy that aligns with your company’s vision. Read now!

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Practical Ways to Implement AI in Your Job

Learn how taking your first steps with AI can simplify tasks, enhance creativity, and unleash talents you didn’t know you had! It’s easier than you think. Read our blog to see how you can implement AI into your job now and transform your life!

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Wawiwa bridges the tech skills gap by reskilling people for tech professions in high demand. There are millions of tech vacancies and not enough tech professionals with the relevant knowledge and skills to fill them. What the industry needs of employees is not taught in long academic degrees. Wawiwa helps partners around the world to reskill, and upskill people for tech jobs through local tech training centers or programs. The company utilizes a proven training methodology, cutting-edge content, digital platforms for learning and assessment, and strong industry relations, to deliver training programs that result in higher employability and graduate satisfaction. This, in turn, also creates a strong training brand and a sustainable business for Wawiwa’s partners.