Together in Tech: Ukraine’s Tech Ecosystem and Israeli Friendship

Ukraine tech professionals play an integral role in Israeli startups, who turn to Ukraine frequently for software development. Upon the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israeli tech companies immediately took action to help their colleagues in any way possible.

The world watched as Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, 2022. Millions of Ukrainians are seeking shelter from bombings in underground train stations or refuge in other countries. 

The Israeli people are deeply concerned about the situation in Ukraine. In addition to Israel’s own familiarity with war and terror, thousands of Ukrainian software developers were working day by day with Israeli tech companies and suddenly fear for their family’s safety as a result of the war. 

The close relationship between Israeli tech companies and Ukrainian tech professionals has driven Israeli tech companies to reach out with help and provide aid to their Ukrainian colleagues and their families.

Dan.IT in Ukraine

In 2017, prior to founding Wawiwa Tech, Eran Lasser co-founded Dan.IT in Ukraine, with a vision to train people without any tech experience to tech jobs in high demand using the Israeli tech reskilling know-how that he’s accumulated over several decades. “People equipped with digital skills can start contributing as professionals in the tech industry and improve their lives and wellbeing,” says Eran.

Two years following its inception, Dan.IT had become Ukraine’s leading tech training provider, with three centers in Kiev. Over 2,000 people graduate every year from Dan.IT as Software Developers, UI/UX Designers, and Digital Marketing Specialists. Some of them immediately join the Ukrainian tech industry. Given the strong connection of Dan.IT and Israel, many graduates find jobs in Israeli tech companies upon graduation.

Dan.IT currently experiences the firsthand effects of the war imposed on Ukraine. All training activity has come to a halt. Dan.IT’s team focuses on employee and student safety and awaits tranquility to resume operations.

“I am profoundly proud of Dan.IT and the management team’s decisions.” says Eran, “Prioritizing employees, students, and their families’ safety is the first priority, especially in such unprecedented time.”

Israel and Ukraine’s Tech Relationship

The war impacts the Ukrainian economy and outsourcing industry. Following more than a decade of strong collaboration, it also impacts the Israeli tech ecosystem. 

Israel, the Startup Nation, has over 8,000 active startups, an immense amount second only to the United States. Maintaining such magnitude of innovation creates an insatiable demand for programmers and tech professionals. To meet this demand, Israel sources software development not only from local talent, but also from R&D companies and freelancers in Ukraine. The identical time zone, compatible cultures, and the rise in quality remote work all contribute to the warm relationships between the two ecosystems.

Cost also matters. The salary of a skilled Ukrainian tech professional is about half that of a developer in Israel. Experts estimate that more than 15,000 Ukrainian tech professionals work in Israel’s tech industry. 

Vitaly Sedler, CEO of Intellias, one of Ukraine’s largest IT companies, praises the mutual partnership: “Analyzing the market and share of Israeli projects in our company, as well as in other Ukrainian IT companies, we can clearly notice significant growth dynamics of IT business between our countries.”

Yossi Vardi, one of Israel’s tech veterans, also states that “the reputation of Ukrainian IT services providers is very good. They are regarded as professional, hardworking, loyal, and ambitious. I see a great future to these relationships.”

Israeli Tech Companies are Helping Their Ukrainian Colleagues

Many Israeli tech companies with team members in Ukraine are taking action to guarantee their colleague’s safety and wellbeing. 

Since the Russian invasion was premeditated and discussed on the news, several companies have taken preemptive measures. 

For example, Israel-based, one of the world’s largest website building platforms, has chartered planes and bus services for over 900 Wix’s employees in Ukraine to move them and their families to the western border of the country, to Poland, and to Turkey. Wix staff members are then meeting their colleagues at the borders as they escape the warzone.

Sisense, a data analytics software provider, has paid Ukrainian employees their salaries in advance and provided cash grants to ease their hardship. Ukrainian workers were also given the option to relocate to Israel and the United States with immediate effect. 

Evacuation support efforts also take place within Ukraine. The Israeli-Ukrainian tech outsourcing company Aman Group has funded hotels and food across the country for its employees escaping Kiev. 

Many Israeli companies and their staff are making donations these days to Ukrainian charities and relief organizations and shipping supplies to Ukraine.

Hope for Peace

Israel is no stranger to war. The Israeli resilience was built, in part, due to the lessons learned by the Jewish people in World War II. War and terror have been part of Israeli reality throughout its 74 years of independence. 

Wawiwa Tech sends its warmest regards to its friends and allies in Ukraine, and hopes this war will end quickly and Ukrainians will be able to safely return to their homes. 

We believe this painful experience will further strengthen the relationship and ties between Ukrainians and Israelis, who would work together on rebuilding and fortifying Ukraine’s economy.

Want to Help? 

If you want to help Ukraine, from wherever you are, here are some organizations that can turn your contribution into actual help on the ground.

The Ukrainian Red Cross

The Red Cross carries out humanitarian activities, from aiding refugees to training doctors:


UNICEF is supporting the children of Ukraine:

Doctors Without Borders

DWB in Ukraine provides treatments for people needing medical care:

Partner with Wawiwa to offer tech training programs in less than 6 months!

Wawiwa bridges the tech skills gap by reskilling people for tech professions in high demand. There are millions of tech vacancies and not enough tech professionals with the relevant knowledge and skills to fill them. What the industry needs of employees is not taught in long academic degrees. Wawiwa helps partners around the world to reskill, and upskill people for tech jobs through local tech training centers or programs. The company utilizes a proven training methodology, cutting-edge content, digital platforms for learning and assessment, and strong industry relations, to deliver training programs that result in higher employability and graduate satisfaction. This, in turn, also creates a strong training brand and a sustainable business for Wawiwa’s partners.
israel, reskilling, teamwork, tech jobs, tech training, technology, the startup nation, ukraine, unity

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